Vitamin/Mineral Extract


The pulling power of this liquid is extremely powerful due to the amount of vitamins and minerals found in it. This extract also has powerful digestive properties, which makes it a definate superior liquid additive! It has a salty taste and a very distinctive sweet/salty aroma. This liquid is perfect for coating hook baits, loose feed and bag mixes. This product is PVA friendly!

SKU: vit/mineral extract Categories: , ,


The pulling power of this liquid is extremely powerful due to the amount of vitamins and minerals found in it. This extract also has powerful digestive properties, which makes it a definate superior liquid additive! It has a salty taste and a very distinctive sweet/salty aroma. This liquid is perfect for coating hook baits, loose feed and bag mixes. This product is PVA friendly!

Additional information

Weight 0.14 kg

100ml, 500ml


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